Baby Girl

The 80/20 Rule and How It Relates to the Cast

For most of your text, use the paragraph text style. You can write as much as you want, it’ll look nice. But try to break it up into multiple paragraphs.

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A Power Dynamic That We Do Not Normally See

When it comes to the typical office romance, we typically see a male lead as the CEO or business owner in general while the female counterpart will have the title of assistant or secretary which adds to the power dynamic in a different way.

Baby Girl does not dilute the role of Romy as a CEO while the fiery relationship with her intern Samuel develops, and her home life start to deteriorate. Her work doesn’t suffer for most of the film which is an aspect that I respect the most.

An Unconventional Ending

Bodies of work that explore an office affair normally do not have a happy ending for parties involved. What separates Baby Girl from the rest, without spoiling the ending, is that everyone gets what they want in a way.

Most importantly, it is okay for a woman to discover herself later in her life.

Women can have many roles. As a mother, a wife, or a CEO but it is most important to remember that at the core, she is a woman.

It is okay for women to have wants and it is acceptable to have desires.

Finally, it is possible to get what you want.